Here’s the difference and some guidance on which one to focus on:

Organic SEO:

  • Unpaid Results: Organic SEO involves optimizing your website and content to improve your natural (unpaid) search engine rankings.
  • Long-Term: It’s a long-term strategy. The results take time to show, but they can be more sustainable over the long run.
  • No Cost Per Click: You don’t pay for each click to your website in organic SEO.

PPC SEO (Pay-Per-Click):

  • Paid Ads: PPC SEO involves creating and running paid advertising campaigns, where you pay each time someone clicks on your ad.
  • Immediate Results: It provides quick results. Your ads can appear on the top of search results instantly.
  • Cost Per Click: You pay for each click, and the cost can vary based on competition and keywords.

Which One to Focus On:

  • It depends on your business goals and budget. Here are some considerations:
    • If you want quick results and have the budget, PPC can be effective for immediate visibility.
    • Organic SEO is a great long-term investment. It can bring consistent traffic over time without ongoing per-click costs.
    • Many businesses use a combination of both strategies for a balanced approach.

Ultimately, the choice between organic and PPC SEO depends on your specific business needs, goals, and budget. It’s often beneficial to consult with an SEO expert to create a strategy tailored to your circumstances.

Read More: What are some of Google’s preferred domains for SEO?