SEO Website Trick Performance. Every digital agency actively seeks innovative ways to enhance their clients’ marketing performance.

While your digital marketing strategy may focus on improving SEO, increasing click-through rates, and reducing bounce rates, there’s an often-overlooked avenue that many agencies tend to neglect.

This uncharted territory may hold the key to significant conversion rate improvements, but first, you’ll need to clear the path by dismantling hidden barriers on your website.

Here, we’ll delve into the realm of accessibility and how you can leverage it to elevate your clients’ performance.

Unlocking the Hidden Potential Within a comprehensive marketing strategy

Web accessibility emerges as a potent yet frequently untapped resource with the potential to enhance performance and engagement.

It’s highly probable that most of your competitors have yet to incorporate this into their web strategy, offering you an immediate advantage by implementing it.

SEO Website Trick Performance
SEO Website Trick Performance

But what exactly is web accessibility, and is your website up to par?

The Impact on Your Marketing Strategy By making your clients’ websites more user-friendly in terms of comprehension, navigation, readability, and crawlability, you’ll naturally experience several benefits:

  1. Expanded Site Reach: Enhance your client’s website’s reach, ensuring inclusivity and an enhanced user experience for all. With approximately 1.3 billion individuals living with some form of disability, integrating web accessibility could potentially open the door to a substantial new user base within your clients’ target audience.
  2. Tailored User Experience: By fine-tuning the web experience to accommodate the unique needs of each individual, particularly those with disabilities, you inherently create a swifter, cleaner browsing experience for all users.
  3. Enhanced Navigation: Eliminating barriers that might impede seamless navigation results in an optimized on-site link structure, facilitating smoother journeys for your audience.

Incorporating web accessibility into your digital agency’s arsenal can be a game-changer, offering a competitive edge and the potential for substantial performance enhancements for your clients.

Do any of these ring a bell?

If you’re well-versed in the realms of SEO and Core Web Vitals (CWV), these might strike a chord as elements contributing to ranking signals.

Therefore, when you’re on the quest to augment your value proposition and magnify client outcomes, web accessibility emerges as a game-changing force. It not only nurtures digital inclusivity but also generates concrete marketing achievements.

Four Steps to SEO Website Trick Performance with Enhanced Web Accessibility

Web accessibility and your agency’s marketing prowess are intertwined in a shared genetic makeup.

Imagine them as two sides of a single coin, or better yet, as kindred spirits in the virtual landscape.

Here are four integral elements for enhancing performance that are intrinsically tied to the integration of accessibility into your clients’ websites.

Step 1: Incorporate Alt Text for Enhanced Search Visibility

When your clients’ websites prioritize accessibility, they’re essentially communicating the right message to search engines. It can do good SEO Website Trick Performance.

For instance, appropriately labeled images serve a dual purpose by enhancing accessibility and making images more searchable.

Alt text plays a pivotal role in conveying image content to assistive technology users, providing them with comprehensive context and understanding of the overall content.

Crafting High-Impact Alt Text To elevate your search visibility and boost the likelihood of your clients’ websites ranking higher on various search engine results pages (SERPs), consider the following steps:

  1. Distinguish Image Types: Recognize whether images are informative, decorative, functional, or intricate. This first step can boost SEO Website Trick Performance.
  2. Informative Images: For images conveying essential information, draft detailed alt text that encapsulates the image’s content, including any emotional nuances it conveys.
  3. Decorative Images: Filter out purely decorative images, such as flourishes or stylistic elements lacking meaningful context, and use “null” alt text (e.g., <img alt=””>) to spare screen reader users from unnecessary announcements.
  4. Functional Images: Address functional images, like icons that initiate actions when clicked (e.g., a ‘download’ icon). In this case, refrain from describing the images and instead focus on denoting their functionality.
  5. Complex Images: For intricate infographics or diagrams, create alt text that elucidates the information contained within the images.

The Convenient Solution Manually describing hundreds or thousands of images on your website can be a time-consuming task.

Streamline the process and save both time and resources by employing UserWay’s automated Image Alt tool, harnessing the power of AI. This feature is a standout within UserWay’s AI-Powered Accessibility Widget, favored by many for its efficiency and effectiveness.

Optimal Alt Text Practices

To ensure your alt text delivers comprehensive information to your readers while making your clients’ content SEO-friendly, adhere to these best practices:

  1. Conciseness is Key: Keep alternative text length below 125 characters, including spaces, whenever possible to up SEO Website Trick Performance.
  2. Prioritize Quality: Pay meticulous attention to the accuracy and insight conveyed within the limited word count of alt text.
  3. Minimize Text Images: Avoid using images of text, except in logos. If employed, the alt text should mirror the text within the image.
  4. Image Maps: For image maps with multiple clickable areas, provide a group alt text that offers an overview of the map’s context. Each clickable area should also possess individual alt text, describing the link’s destination and purpose.
  5. Meaningful Descriptions: Avoid assigning arbitrary, vague, or ambiguous alt text solely for the sake of boosting accessibility scores. Such descriptions may confuse and frustrate screen reader users. Alt text’s essence lies in furnishing functional and meaningful alternatives for usability. Inadequate or haphazard alt text may be more detrimental than having none at all.

Step 2: Crafting a Clear Header Structure – Best Practices for Enhanced Rankings and Content Comprehension

Similarly, for SEO Website Trick Performance is a well-structured heading hierarchy benefits both screen reader users and search engine crawlers.

The outcome? A potential enhancement in rankings that can set your agency apart from competitors.

Crafting Keyword-Driven Headers – Best Practices

A proficient strategy for keywords and header structure can yield long-term performance improvements for your clients, positioning them favorably on numerous Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Furthermore, it enhances the user experience, ensuring that every website visitor finds precisely what they seek.

Here’s how to execute it effectively:

  1. Strategic Keyword Placement: Position primary and secondary keywords strategically to cater to both search engine bots and human readers, ensuring comprehensive content understanding.
  2. Balancing SEO and Accessibility: When incorporating keywords into headers, strike a harmonious balance between SEO optimization and accessibility. Maintain clarity and simplicity in phrasing and context while integrating target keywords and raise SEO Website Trick Performance.
  3. Hierarchical Header Structure: Organize headers in the correct hierarchy to facilitate seamless content navigation, especially for screen reader users. This involves tagging H1 and H2 headers appropriately to ensure content is presented in the correct order, enhancing navigability.
  4. Sequential Headings: Maintain the proper sequential order for headings, avoiding jumps from H1 directly to H3, ensuring logical and sequential presentation.

Step 3: Enhance UI/UX – Identifying and Addressing Accessibility Barriers for an Inclusive Website

Accessibility holds a direct sway over a pivotal aspect of websites – the user experience.

Considering that a staggering 88% of digital visitors pledge never to revisit a site after a single unfavorable experience, the significance of accessibility becomes crystal clear. Continue reading to explore how rectifying accessibility issues correlates with enhanced performance.

How well do your clients’ websites cater to users, especially those with disabilities? Are you ensuring that all visitors enjoy a seamless and intuitive browsing journey?

UI/UX Best Practices These best practices encompass a spectrum of approaches and raise SEO Website Trick Performance, from engaging certified testers utilizing assistive technology for comprehensive testing to harnessing automated tools that promptly evaluate your accessibility score.

  1. Certified Testers’ Expertise: Employ certified testers who can create real-world usage scenarios with assistive technologies such as eye trackers, diverse screen readers, or braille readers.
  2. Recurring Manual Testing: Schedule periodic manual testing, at least once or twice a year, to uphold high usability standards as your content evolves.
  3. Real-time Automated Scanning: Enhance manual testing with real-time automated scans of web pages running in the background, promptly notifying you of any usability alterations.

The Convenient Solution Prominent digital accessibility platforms like UserWay seamlessly amalgamate the best of both realms, offering automated accessibility scanning, continuous monitoring, and alerts, along with assessments by IAAP-certified auditors who delve deep into your website’s accessibility. Explore more about accessibility audits here.

Step 4: SEO Website Trick Performance with Naturally Amplify Conversions

Few metrics wield more influence than robust conversion rates, serving as the ultimate gauge of a campaign’s efficacy in translating interest into measurable outcomes.

Let’s delve into a case study showcasing how one business integrates accessibility into its client websites, yielding tangible enhancements in conversion results.

Case Study: How Natural Intelligence Elevated Conversions with UserWay

Introducing Natural Intelligence, the visionary force behind renowned platforms like and Established in 2009, their mission revolves around simplifying decision-making processes, impacting a staggering 50 million consumer choices worldwide through their websites each year.

The Challenge for SEO Website Trick Performance:

Despite housing a formidable 60-member product team dedicated to delivering impeccable consumer experiences, Natural Intelligence faced a formidable hurdle: crafting websites that welcomed everyone. Their quest for a solution that harmonized web accessibility and performance resembled searching for a mythical creature.

The Solution:

UserWay’s AI-powered Widget revolutionized the game for Natural Intelligence, enabling them to achieve their accessibility and compliance objectives. The results are nothing short of remarkable. In the months following their collaboration with UserWay, Natural Intelligence witnessed substantial improvements in key metrics and boost SEO Website Trick Performance:

  1. Click Rates: Increased by 1.0%.
  2. Bounce Rates: Decreased by 0.5%.
  3. Earnings per Click: Elevated by 2.4%.
  4. Earnings per Visitor: A remarkable surge of 3.5%.

The correlation between web accessibility and SEO Website Trick Performance isn’t mere coincidence; it’s a consequential connection. Natural Intelligence’s client websites now stand as beacons of inclusivity, drawing in a broader user base and bolstering their credibility.

As you contemplate your next strategic move to enhance conversions and revenue, ponder this: Is web accessibility an integral component of your digital strategy?