Writing for Websites: Guidelines for User-Friendly Content

Writing for the Web. Writing for websites demands a unique approach. Unlike novelists who paint vivid images with words, reporters who infuse news with drama, or academics who delve into complex concepts with citations, web content writers aim for succinctness.

Writing for the Web
Writing for the Web

Website visitors don’t read; they skim. On average, they consume only about 20 percent of the content on a page. So, how can you ensure your website is user-friendly and easy to digest?

Conciseness is Key:

Avoid verbosity. If you can convey a message in 30 words instead of 75, or in 75 words instead of 150, do so.

Embrace Simplicity:

Use straightforward language. Avoid convoluted sentence structures that attempt to explain simple topics in a complex manner. Opt for simplicity in your writing.

Steer Clear of “Marketingese”:

Neutral, clear language is more reader-friendly than overly subjective or boastful text. Be direct and transparent.

Employ the “Inverted Pyramid” Approach:

Begin with the most essential and intriguing information. Subsequent details should follow in order of diminishing importance.

Writing for the Web
Writing for the Web

Leverage Keywords:

Incorporate common terms related to your topic. Minimize the use of proprietary terms and abbreviations.

Utilize Headings:

Break up your content with brief, descriptive headings and subheadings. This aids users in locating information quickly.

Writing for the Web
Writing for the Web

Paragraph Structure Matters:

Dense, lengthy paragraphs can intimidate readers. Opt for several short paragraphs rather than a single, overwhelming one.

Skim-Friendly Formatting:

Consider using bulleted lists instead of long series or text-based lists for easy skimming.

Writing for the Web
Writing for the Web

Use Bold Sparingly:

Reserve bold text for highlighting crucial points. Excessive use can disrupt readability.

Choose Sentence Case:

Sentence case is easier to read than uppercase. Reserve bold for emphasis on significant elements.

Writing for the Web
Writing for the Web

Ensure Clear Links: Writing for the Web

Make links easily identifiable by maintaining consistent colors and styles. Avoid changing link colors to stand out, and refrain from underlining text, which may be confused for a link.

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